
Everybody is exposed to a complex mix of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of different frequencies that penetrate our atmosphere. Exposure to EMFs of different frequencies is increasing significantly and human exposure to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) fields is primarily associated with the generation, transmission, and use of electrical energy, such as power lines and substations. A number of international organizations have recommended and standardized safety exposure limits for the general public and occupational exposure.


Limiting exposure values have been provided by the ICNIRP standard ENV 50166-1 and are guidelines to many countries and organizations. ICNIRP is the international organization (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) established at the 8th International Congress of the IRPA (International Radiation Protection Association) during 18-22 May 1992 in Montreal, as a successor to the IRPA / INIRC. The functions of the commission are to investigate the hazards that may be associated with the different forms of non ionizing radiation and to develop guidelines on the non ionizing radiation exposure limits. The ICNIRP recommendations have been adopted formally from the European Union at 12/7/1999. Such limits are tabulated in the following tables according to exposure limits given by ICNIRP.


Reference levels for occupational exposure according to the rationale used by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

Frequency Range Electric Field Strength, E (V/m) Magnetic Field Strength, H (A/m) Magnetic Flux Density, B (μT)

0 – 1 Hz


1,63 x 105

2 x 105

1 - 8 Hz


1,63 x 105/f2

2 x 105/ f2

8 – 25 Hz


2 x 104/f

2,5 x 104/f

0,025 – 0,82 kHz




Reference levels for general public exposure according to the rationale used by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

Frequency Range Electric Field Strength, E (V/m) Magnetic Field Strength, H (A/m) Magnetic Flux Density, B (μT)

0 – 1 Hz


3,2 x 104

4 x 104

1 - 8 Hz


3,2 x 104/f2

4 x 104/ f2

8 – 25 Hz




0,025 – 0,82 kHz




ICNIRP reference levels for occupational and general public exposure at 50Hz

Reference levels for Occupational exposure ICNIRP
Frequency Electric Field Strength, E (V/m) Magnetic Field Strength, H (A/m) Magnetic Flux Density, B (μT)

50 Hz




Reference levels for General Public exposure ICNIRP
Frequency Electric Field Strength, E (V/m) Magnetic Field Strength, H (A/m) Magnetic Flux Density, B (μT)

50 Hz





If you want to learn more about the standards and recommendations that were used to perform the measurements and how the values obtained were compared to these standards, please visit the following websites: (please note that the international standards, recommendations and guidelines listed below are available only by purchase from their respective owners. In the case of the ICNIRP guidelines, they are available online).