High Voltage Overhead Powerlines - Plot Pyla, Larnaca

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This report was prepared by the Electromagnetics and Novel Applications Laboratory of the University of Cyprus within the framework of measuring and assessing the electric and magnetic field levels by AC power systems at the location of interest:

·         Overhead Power Line Circuit 1 (South) Tower 22 in direct proximity to the investigated Plot at Pyla, Larnaca on the 02/04/2018 from 12:20 pm until 13:40 pm.

The measurements were performed according to the measurements of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields with regard to exposure of human beings (IEC 61786:1998) and measurement procedures with regard to public exposure (IEC 62110:2009). More specifically, the largest electric and magnetic field level is found under conductors at the point on the span where the conductors are closest to the ground. Therefore, the position where the field level is the maximum was found by first measuring at 1.0 m above the ground along the path parallel to the overhead line under conductors where possible at appropriate intervals (longitudinal profile), in the range of 5 Hz – 32 kHz using the EFA-300 Isotropic Field Analyser. Then, in order to discover whether anoter peak occurs, measurements were performed at 1.0 m above the ground along the path perpendicular to the overhead line, at the point of the longitudinal profile maximum (lateral profile).

The recorded measurements were compared to the reference levels described in the Council Recommendation of 12th July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz), 1999/519/EC. Respect to the recommended reference levels will ensure respect to the basic restrictions. The reference levels of exposure provided in 1999/519/EC are in accordance to the Cypriot Legislation.

The maximum magnetic and electric field values measured along the longitudinal and lateral profiles of the overhead power lines and at the location of interest are summarized in the following Tables.

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Starting Point

Measurement height (m)

Magnetic field level (µT)

Field quantity

Frequency (Hz)

ICNIRP General Public (%)

Distance from starting point (m)

1 (longitudinal profile)

1.0 (above ground level)


Resultant magnetic field



Starting Point

Measurement height (m)

Electric field level (V/m)

Field quantity

Frequency (Hz)

ICNIRP General Public (%)

Distance from starting point (m)

-1 (lateral profile)

1.0 (above ground level)


Resultant electric field



Maximum magnetic and electric field values for the investigated overhead power lines.



Starting Point

Measurement height (m)

Magnetic field level (µT)

Field quantity

Frequency (Hz)

ICNIRP General Public (%)

Measuring point


0.5 (above ground level)


Resultant magnetic field




1.0 (above ground level)


Resultant magnetic field




1.5 (above ground level)


Resultant magnetic field






three-point average



Maximum magnetic field values at the point of interest (plot at Pyla).

From the measurements performed it can be concluded that the:

·         Magnetic and electric field measurements performed at the position of interest were below the recommended General Public reference levels of the National Exposure Limits provided in 1999/519/EC.