The duration of the project is 3 years and the activities are divided into 9 Work Packages (WPs).
Together with WP1 for project management and WP2 for dissemination, the work of the project consists of three additional groups of WPs:
- Scientific Work Packages (SWPs): WP3 – WP5.
- Industrial Work Packages (IWPs): WP6.
- Commercial Work Packages (CWPs): WP7.
- Policy Work Packages (PWPs): WP8.
There are close synergies between the scientific and industrial WPs whereas the commercial and policy WPs are horizontal and interact synergistically with the entire work plan. Given the above work plan the overall project is naturally separated into three phases:
- Phase 1 (M1-M9): Set the technical requirements to utilise advanced data analytics and interoperability for the modernisation of the distribution grid to host high PV shares.
- Phase 2 (M3-M32): Includes the continuous development of the scientific algorithms and tools and the extensive verification of the prototype performance against set KPIs.
- Phase 3 (M30-M36): The scientific results and methods along with the end-solution and novel tools are consolidated and market plans are drawn that would enable these products to enter the market. During this final phase of the project the required policy, regulatory and standardization framework will also be evaluated.